It was a pleasure to be able to speak with Prof. Dedee Murrell (St George Hospital, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia) about the BELIEVE Phase 2 (Part A) Study (NCT02704429) which investigated the oral BTK inhibitor, rilzabrutinib, in pemphigus.
Her abstract entitled ‘Treatment With Rilzabrutinib Results in Rapid and Significant Decrease in Steroid Use and Improved Quality of Life in Patients With Chronic Relapsing Pemphigus: BELIEVE Phase II Study (Part A)’ was presented at the AAD VMX, 23-25 April 2021.
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- What is the rationale for the use of BTK inhibitors in pemphigus? (0:05)
- What were the aims, design and patient population of the BELIEVE study? (0:51)
- What were the efficacy and quality of life endpoints of the study and how well were these achieved? (2:10)
- What were the safety and tolerability findings of the study? (3:18)
- What future studies are planned? (4:14)
Disclosures: Prof. Dedee Murrell has acted and an investigator and advisor for Principia-Sanofi, ArgenX, Roche-Genentech and Eli Lilly. Prof. Murrell is also the co-inventor of the PDAI and ABQOL measures.
Support: Interview and filming supported by Touch Medical Media. Interview conducted by Gina Furnival.
Filmed in coverage of the AAD VMX 2021.